Keeping up with SEO updates

Your finest SEO efforts might fail at any time. The search engine rankings you anticipated may not occur. Your top rankings abruptly decline or vanish. You must be cautious, so you turn to the most recent information regarding what Google demands. You examine the SEO updates and search engine’s helpful content upgrade that launched.

Even though many algorithm changes are minor and sometimes go unnoticed, the well-publicized upgrade to useful content earlier this fall will prove significant.

On the Google Search Central Blog, it was suggested that content marketers that are SEO-focused consider the following questions:

  • Do you use a lot of automation to create content across various topics?
  • Are you primarily summarizing other people’s arguments without really contributing anything?
  • Do people who read your material feel like they need to recheck their sources for more accurate information?

If you answered yes to any of these, Google would not be happy with you.

Quality is at the core of the latest seo updates.

Google has always highlighted the need for websites to provide a pleasant user experience with timely, pertinent content that loads quickly. The search giant,  has consistently emphasized content quality since the Panda update, which was launched more than 10 years ago and targeted pages with little to no substance.

Google Search AI is a complex code created for a very complex content environment. Because of the sophistication of the technology, websites now frequently rank for terms that aren’t even in their content. All of these developments have been gradual. With little fanfare, Google quietly updates its search engine algorithms, making over 4,000 changes in 2021 alone.

Code Complexity

One of the aspects of the complexity of the code, looks at the authority of a site in its space. When last year I was telling everyone to avoid duplicating their show names from one season to the next, I was repeating the Google’s mantra. But, as I quickly found out, the rules didn’t apply to the customers that were leading authority in their space, and for example, an Aladdin show for 2022 was indexed even though it had Aladdin indexed twice before showing under the identical name, with near identical content.


For us mere mortals, the rules will apply. However, if you are building your site authority then there is flexibility to this September’s announcement. So, what should you do if you are not one of the sites of authority?

  • Ensure quality, relevant content is on all pages
  • FAQ about your programming, your stage, your product, or service should be added wherever possible
  • Make sure you have your program book, press release or e-book, or product manual attached in PDF and HTML versions if possible.
  • Use a lot of videos but be sure to include transcripts and captions
  • Pay attention to WCAG for accessibility

ARTdynamix® is keeping up with the changes

The impact of this is not yet clear but applying these will help SEO and it never hurts to prepare. By the way, if you are an ARTdynamix® customer, you already have the tools needed to make the above points reality. In fact, the tools have been available for your use since 2013. The latest version of ARTdynamix® has built in Voice search and “Near Me” search optimization capability.

Often when we inform folks that ARTdynamix® has a Press Release module, an FAQ builder, a program-book uploader, etc. that can be attached to their shows or content on demand, that is met with excitement because of the efficiency changes but it also substantial for SEO and authority. Here’s the impact: Google has been hinting at this change for a decade (especially if you can read between the lines), and now Google has made it a standard.

As a reminder, in February 2022, Google has already made the schema a mandatory of their SERP (search engine results page) rules, and now followed by the above noted content update

Dream Warrior Group, a Los Angeles SEO Company, provides the needed solutions for your online marketing needs. Our expertise includes Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing & Google PPC campaigns. Call us now at 818.610.3316 or click here.

Road Trip – Hello Festival Mozaic

Since Covid, our desire to visit clients has increased and last week, we had the opportunity to head up the coast to visit Festival Mozaic in San Luis Obispo County!  Although mid-festival and a flurry of activities, we had the opportunity to chat with the team and see a breathtaking performance. As you can see, I took the opportunity to pose with David George – General Manager.

It was a delight to meet the team as they prepared for an event! What a pleasant, helpful and fun group. I also took advantage of the SWAG table as well (a few shirts, wine tumbler and, of course, a tote bag).

To our good fortune, we were able to attend a concert by Brian Stokes Mitchell. Wow!!! I was awestruck. If you aren’t familiar with his Broadway history and 2 Tony awards, you may remember this – it’s a quick but great watch:

I can’t sign off without telling you a bit about Dream Warrior Group’s work with Festival Mozaic. The Festival’s website is on our premiere Arts product ARTdynamix® – a content management system with unique features designed for the arts. In addition, Festival Mozaic added a private area for ease of information distribution to their BOD.

Thanks Festival Mozaic for the beauty you bring to the world — and allowing us help, even just a little.


Idaho State Civic Symphony now on the latest ARTdynamix® platform

Without any background in web design or maintenance, I never would have imagined that I’d be guiding the look of and updating content on a website for a symphony orchestra, while enjoying the creative process and getting excited about adding new pages. Keeping the ISCS ARTdynamix® website fresh, user-friendly, and engaging has become one of the favorite parts of my job thanks to the incredible “Dream Team” at Dream Warrior Group with their patience, responsiveness, and outright brilliance.
They are an absolute joy to work with (and know how to keep me calm).


Last week, Idaho State Civic Symphony (ISCS) took the plunge and upgraded their site to the newest ARTdynamix® with the re-imagined, easy-to-use CMS.  ISCS has been using ARTdynamix® for over 5-years with great success but said ‘yes’ quickly when our Project Manager demonstrated the features including drag n’ drop page builder, content versioning, private areas, show, class and artist management, the ability to change the navigation on the fly and easy integration with leading show ticketing solutions.

“Making Magic and Changing Lives in our Spectacular Home.”
ISCS Mission

Established in the early 1900s, ISCS is the oldest orchestra in the State of Idaho.   Since April of 2005, the Symphony and our audiences have enjoyed the benefits of the incredible acoustics of the Joseph C. Jensen Grand Concert Hall of the L.E. and Thelma E. Stephens Performing Arts Center. The Center is an imposing 123,000 square-foot edifice of classic design, with a hub-and-spoke arrangement centered on the large Marshall Rotunda lobby, which serves us as a venue for our pre-concert activities and chamber music.

DWG looks forward to partnering with ISCS for many years to come — our goal is to make their website easier to manage and effective for ticket selling and information sharing.


How do I select keywords

So many factors go into keyword selection – the first being: Do I need keywords? Many folks will tell you keywords are no longer relevant, but that only tells part of the story. Indeed, it would help if you considered keyword strings or key phrases (approximately 3 – 5 words). And while it is correct, keywords don’t have the same impact on search bots. They are essential in these ways:

How do you pick the right keywords? First, remember that this, like all marketing, is some trial and error — that’s OK as long as you learn from it.

  • The first thing I do is think. Who and why do I want folks to land on this page? So, for example, if my desired audience is tourists, I might use the term “Jazz Event Calendar for New York” or “Jazz in Los Angeles .”If trying to capture a local market, I might use “Live Jazz performances near me” or “Jazz concert schedule for New York City.”
  • Map out the pages on your site and select the strings that match the content — context is essential and strategic.

Recently Google published information about Key Word and search trends:

Top 2021 Trends per Google

(be sure to read #2 about evolving entertainment)

-near me with outdoor seating +150%

-stadium seating +600%

-in a theater near me, +500%

-live music near me +40%

Search Trends

‘Cheap’ searches

Sorting and selecting your keywords is as simple as knowing your clients and what is trending.

Dream Warrior Group, a Los Angeles SEO Company, provides the needed solutions for your online marketing needs. Our expertise includes Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing & Google PPC campaigns. Call us now at 818.610.3316 or click here.

Pacific Symphony Launches with Tessitura Ticketing Integration

Congratulations to the team at Pacific Symphony on your beautiful new website!   You can see it here – Pacific Symphony Website

Pacific Symphony sought an entire web presence that could represent their nationwide brand with passion and excitement (in addition to California style).  Pacific Symphony wanted to maximize the user experience by fully integrating custom functions including Tessitura ticketing system.

ARTdynamix™ Enterprise fit that request perfectly.  Thus, DWG collaborated with Pacific Symphony through the entire process and the new web presence launched in December of 2021.  Yay!

As we began developing the Pacific Symphony’s Website, the need for a shopping environment for REST handshake with their Tessitura software in order to replace their existing SOAP based environment.  Having converted other Tessitura clients from SOAP to Rest, we began the task by understanding the way that Tessitura is customized for Pacific Symphony. Tessitura refers to itself as “arts enterprise software”.

It is an enterprise application used by performing arts and cultural organizations to manage their activities in ticketing, fundraising, customer relationship management, and marketing.

As many of you know, Tessitura happens to be amazingly flexible and allows the end user to create their ticketing environment pretty much any which way they care to.   As such, understanding the client ticketing paradigm is essential to creating a great Shopping platform.

We were able to cover the gamut ranging from short flex series with special pricing, to long term category based fixed packages, to group sales, individual tickets, and donations.