Search Optimization Changes: Artificial Intelligence and Search Engines – Part 2

In my previous article, I promised more specifics regarding the steps you can take to improve your search optimization for the age of AI. The funniest part of the whole process has been the repetition.

For the past several years, I have been describing  Google’s shift towards better, more accurate search results. Currently Google Search algorithm seems to contain everything desirable for an AI-driven search optimization.

So, unlike my conclusions in 2021, and early 2022, they were most likely thinking about more than just accuracy. It appears that Google’s data engineers were also thinking about AI and the future of search.

The coming 18 months AI will permanently change how search engines employ and interact with us to rank content. Artificial intelligence has already altered the SEO environment, but we should expect more substantial developments in the coming months. There will be more frequent Google SERP updates as Google fends off other search engines trying to gain market share.

Here are some of the expected effects of these changes:

Voice search will become increasingly significant.

Voice search is getting more popular as smart speakers, and other voice-activated devices become more widespread. As AI advances, we should expect search engines to understand the natural language better. Such improvements mean that content authors must optimize their content for voice search by utilizing conversational language and focusing on answering particular inquiries that consumers may have. To gain more insight, refer to our article on Voice optimization.

Natural language processing (NLP) will become pervasive.

The use of NLP helps search engines grasp the intent underlying the search request far more clearly than today. Search engines should interpret natural language far better as AI advances. Extensive use of NLP means that content providers must concentrate on producing high-quality, natural-sounding information that answers particular issues that users may have.

The importance of user experience will be greater than ever.

As search engines improve their knowledge of user intent, they will likewise enhance their ability to measure user experience. As a result, page load speed, mobile friendliness, and ease of navigation will become even more vital for SEO. Therefore, content providers must produce material that answers user inquiries and creates a positive user experience.

Technical SEO will be even more critical.

Technical SEO (efforts that focus on enhancing the technical features of websites) will become increasingly important. Search engines will incentivize site owners to produce better user experiences: more robust UX will result in higher rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs). As technical SEO continues to influence the user experience—and searchers’ expectations rise—technical SEO will continue to be one of the most critical factors for organizations to consider when developing their overall SEO strategy and investments.

Personalization will become more critical.

Artificial intelligence (AI) already helps tailor search results based on user behavior and interests. However, personalization will play an even more significant role in SEO. Content makers will need to focus on developing material that is targeted to specific audiences and takes characteristics like location, device, and search history into account. Increased personalization also means a greater need for second and first-party user data gathering.

Visual search will become increasingly prevalent.

Visual search is currently a popular feature on several search engines, and we anticipate it to become considerably more ubiquitous in the next 18 months. In addition, as AI advances, search engines will better detect images and videos. Therefore, visual content optimization (for search) by employing descriptive filenames, alt tags, and captions will be vital.

SEO will see an increase in the use of video marketing.

The coming year will undoubtedly be the year of video. Companies will put out more video content as they seek to garner audiences on more visual and video-based platforms, such as TikTok and Instagram; at the same time, more video and content teams will use search data to guide their tactics. This transition will also benefit people in Google’s ecosystem, as searchers pay more attention to video results.

As audience tastes alter, brands prioritize content quality over production quality (such as effects, lighting, etc.). Straightforward, mobile-recorded videos will likely be a focus because good content does not require large production.

In the next 18 months, AI will substantially impact SEO. As a result, content providers must focus on developing tailored, high-quality, natural-sounding material that answers particular user inquiries while offering a fantastic user experience across all platforms.

Companies must also optimize their content for voice, visual, and video search and consider issues like technical SEO, personalization, and natural language processing. Content providers may remain ahead of the curve by following these trends and ensuring their content is discoverable and exciting for their target audience.

Dream Warrior Group, a Los Angeles Based web design and digital marketing Company, providing solutions for your online marketing needs. Our expertise includes Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Posts & Marketing & Google PPC campaigns.  Call us now at 818.610.3316 or click here.

Change in Search: Artificial Intelligence and Search Engines – Part 1

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is concerned with developing intelligent software capable of doing activities that generally require human Intelligence, such as natural language processing. For example, AI will create more intelligent search engines, search results, and search optimization.

Generative AI is a subset of artificial Intelligence that employs machine learning algorithms to create new and unique data or material, such as photos, music, video, or writing. Deep learning models, which can extract patterns and attributes from big datasets and utilize them to generate new samples, are at the foundation of Generative AI. Creative design, content generation, and virtual assistants are just a few of the uses for generative AI.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the improvement of the visibility and ranking of a website or online content in search engine results pages (SERPs). It entails various strategies to improve the quality and relevance of a website’s content, structure, and functionality to enhance organic traffic and attract new customers.

Artificial Intelligence & SEO

Generative AI will rapidly improve crawling and indexing, personalization, and content quality, whether voice, image, or video.

Artificial Intelligence will also change the look of search engines in the future by providing richer and more dynamic search results, personalized search results, voice search, natural language processing, and improved image and video search capabilities.

AI Improves Crawling and Indexing

Generative AI may improve crawling and indexing by providing higher quality and unique content that search engines can index, enhancing the website’s ranking in search results.

Because search engines favor new and unique content, Generative AI can generate a large amount of original content optimized for specific keywords, topics, or user intents. This route to search optimization can help search engines discover the website and draw more organic traffic.

Generative AI will create metadata such as title tags, descriptions, and headers, improving on-page SEO and making the website more search engine friendly. With more optimized and relevant metadata, Search engines can better interpret and show website content in search results.

Artificial Intelligence Increases Personalization of Search Results

AI increases personalization by creating tightly tailored information and experiences based on the preferences and behaviors of the individual user.

AI is trained on enormous datasets of user interactions and behaviors, such as browser history, purchase history, and social media activity, to find patterns and preferences of individual users. Based on this information, Artificial Intelligence can give tailored content such as product recommendations, personalized news feeds, or tailored marketing messages that are more likely to engage and resonate with the user.

By generating natural language responses, generative AI is used to build personalized chatbots and virtual assistants that answer and recommend based on the user’s needs and preferences, leading to increased engagement.

AI will lead to improved content Quality for better SEO

As we are already observing, when groomed properly, generative AI is a powerful tool for improving content quality by generating relevant, high-quality, and original material that can be optimized for specific topics and user intents while ensuring that the content is free of errors and easy to read. Improved content will improve user satisfaction and loyalty, ultimately driving business success.

Artificial Intelligence will create new and innovative search experiences.

The looks of search engines will change because of AI as search engines will continue to integrate AI-powered features and functionalities to improve the user experience and better understand user intent.

AI-powered search engines can create new and innovative experiences beyond traditional keyword-based searches. With natural language processing, chatbots, and virtual assistants, each person can create engaging and interactive search experiences.

Some ways that the looks of search engines may change because of AI include Richer, more interactive, more personalized results with voice results and videos.

The looks of search engines may change because of AI. AI-powered features and functionalities will improve the search experience and help us understand user intent. As a result, many of the reference sites, such as “10 best of this” or “20 top of that,” will disappear from the results. At the same time, many reference sites, such as IMDB, may lose much of their traffic.

But, it is a given that specific products or services such as a Concert or a Play will still have to be searched for and SEO will be there to make sure your show or product shows up first.


The implications of AI for the future of search engines are vast, exciting, and far-reaching. The inner workings and the UI of search engines will be very different.  How they process and understand user queries and how they deliver search results and content to users will change.  Still, there will be areas where search display will go on very similarly to what you see now.

In the following article, I will review the areas of SEO that AI will bring to prominence and attempt to explain what we need to do in each area.

Dream Warrior Group, a Los Angeles Based web design and digital marketing Company, providing solutions for your online marketing needs. Our expertise includes Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Posts & Marketing & Google PPC campaigns.  Call us now at 818.610.3316 or click here.

When AI goes Marching on

People have gone insane over Generative AI (the Algorithms used to generate new data that resembles human-generated content, such as music, code, images, text, simulations, and videos ). Unfortunately, Microsoft’s hype machine is working overtime (Bing with AI hit the mat and crashed after 3 hours of testing), while Google is in hot water.

Speaking of #ai rants and raves, folks went crazy about Google’s AI Chat Bot – Bard – yesterday. Everyone agreed that Bard made a mistake, and Google’s market cap fell by $100 billion (yep, billion). Looking closer at what was asked, something to the effect of “what recent results from Webb space telescope can I tell my 9-year child about?” Bard answered with many discoveries, mentioning that (the) “telescope was utilized to take the very first snapshot of AN exoplanet.”

The first time humanity took a photo of an exoplanet was around two decades ago. Many in the media (both social and traditional) began foaming at the mouth, and Google stock dropped. But, in the end, Bard was right: the Webb Telescope had discovered an exoplanet, albeit not the first.

AI is only code

Generative AI is merely lines of code, as clue-free as many children. Its responses are open to interpretation by the listeners. So, please stop telling me how “excellent” (Keanu Reeves style) AI can be because it is only as good as the nerds that use it (including myself) and the entities that code it.

I am working on a more informative article on AI, search engines, and digital marketing. Still, it may be a while because keeping up with AI development and my distaste for those who declare themselves gurus after two weeks of reading on a subject forces me to dig deeper and let the gurus rant and rave.

Dream Warrior Group, a Los Angeles Based web design and digital marketing Company, providing solutions for your online marketing needs. Our experts will help you modify your site and get you ready for the upcoming challenges on the web.  Call us now at 818.610.3316 or click here.