Necessity Invented Video Options

It’s great to be able to share news about additional options and lower costs in the video realm.  Many of you are doing various forms of video content including streaming, pay walls, conferencing webinars, OTT, social…and the list goes on.  Been to TikTok lately?

But the options are expanding at light-speed.  Two years ago we supported clients with streaming services, ground-up apps and custom websites.  Those continue to be great options…but the invigorating change is the pricing behind the curtain.  While video backbones are still a necessity for streaming speed, the options have increased and prices have decreased.  Do a search and the options will astound you.

It is important to look at all the elements prior to making your selection.  Pricing options could include subscription costs, bandwidth charges, CC fees among others.  Features range from simple linked based streaming to subscriptions, downloads and rentals..not to mentioned video chats and webinars.

Welcome to wonderland (or a video trailer).


How can we help? E-commerce? Virtual Interaction? Questions?

Now is not the time to profit – so please know in advance that our consultations will be free and our pricing will be at sustainable rates for our team.

DWG understands how dramatically your business/life/business-life have changed in the last few weeks and perhaps, minute-by-minute.  Perhaps we can help….24/7.

Do you need online access to your business such as selling products online, updating your clients, hosting your digital messages?  DWG will brainstorm and implement promptly.  We stand ready to be your digital support whether you are a long-time client or someone with a new need.  Let’s talk.

Phone:  818.610.3316
Top Software Companies in Los Angeles

LaMae and Nami

Corona / COVID 19 Web Thoughts

Clients / Friends / Humans:  First, let me take this moment to wish you health and well-being in every way.

Those of you who are our maintenance clients have already heard from us about how we can help you communicate your message.    Dream Warrior is happy to pitch-in during this chaotic and critical time.

Here are some thoughts and recommendations to consider (and we know most of you have already done this):

  • Put a pop-up or popover on your site so you patrons and customers can readily find information.
  • Designate a new and separate  advisory webpage that you can update and change as information changes.  That should be the place where everyone can go to for current information – which will help your internal team as well as clients.
    • Include the latest updates regarding programs / services
    • Include the best local and national resources for information such as WHO and CDC.
    • Put best personal care practices as a service
    • Let them clearly know what you are doing on a schedule and maintenance basis — we are cleaning in this way or here is our refund/exchange policy.
    • Update them on the best way to reach you — phone lines and emails are very busy…explain that.
  • Then pass this information and page everywhere…
    • Post on social media
    • Create a link on menu
    • Include a link in email footers (of course send an email as well)
    • Consider your PPC or retargeting campaigns – how can you adjsut them to best serve your customers.  Do you need to change your ads letting them know of cancellations?  Can you give the options to work with you during this process – alternatives to refunds?

Please call us if we can help:  818.610.3316 x1

As for us, we are keeping safe and helping the best we can.  I am off to New York this weekend to speak at the Arts Reach conference – I expect there will be plenty of seats on the plane.  I will be careful and keep you updated.


CCPA is now in effect

The CCPA (CALIFORNIA CONSUMER PRIVACY ACT) law, is now in effect.  California legislators increased individual rights over their personal information and what the companies how companies can collect and use that information.

CCPA is by far the most comprehensive privacy legislation anywhere in the US (American Bar Association:  Under the new law, your customers can demand transparency from you where the use of their information is concerned. They can request to know what information you have and how you are using it.

Consumers also have protection from retaliation.  This means that the level of service or pricing cannot be modified because the consumer has exercised her right under the law.

What Businesses will be affected?

If your business falls into any of these three categories below you better be ready to comply by no later than July of 2020:

1) Your business has annual gross revenue in excess of $25m,

2) Annually trades (Buy, Sell, receive or share) in personal information of more than 50,000 consumers,

3) Get over 50% of its annual revenue from sales of personal data

Lack of compliance to a request from consumer within 45 days can lead to fines up to $7,500 per violation.

For further information you can also read this great article at which describes this from the consumers perspective and how it may impact those beyond California.

Here’s an article from Business News Daily that discusses how business impacted can prepare.